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Nettuno @work

Guided tours to the restoration
of the Neptune Fountain
From January 2nd to March 5th
Friday h. 7.00pm
Saturday 3.00pm and 4.00pm
Sunday 3.00pm and 4.00pm (Booking required on previous Saturday)
Duration of the tour: max 60’
35 People in a tour (max. 8 children)
Guided Tour languages: Italian and English
Guided group tours on request
From March, every 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month free access and visit of the Neptune Fountain.
Ticket price 5€
Booking is required with this form or
at the Bologna Welcome Info Point
P.zza Maggiore, 1/E
Mon.-Sat. h. 9-19; Sun. h. 10-17
phone 051.239660 – 051.6583111
Reserve now